Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Valentine - Part Three

Ok, ready for part 3?

There were about seven or eight stops before we finally got to school. The actual school. And it was huge. Extremely large. I'm talking mammoth. Ok, it wasn't that big, but it was a whole lot bigger than my elementary school. It had two floors, when Weston Elementary only had one. And the hallways were endless. I had to practically glue Delilah to my side so we wouldn't get lost.

"This place is enormous!" Delilah exclaimed. We were wandering our way around the maze that the schoolboard dared to call hallways, trying to find the library, where we could supposedly hang out until the bell rang, according to Maxie, Delilah's now 10th grade sister. Finally, we came to a wooden door that had a big, bold, red sign above it that read 'Media Center'. We both looked at each other, and I broke the dead silence with, "I'm going to assume that this is the library?" Delilah shrugged and pushed the oak door open. I could tell that it was heavy, and I was glad Delilah opened it instead of me. We stepped inside the 'Media Center', and the first thing we noticed was the overwhelming smell of mint. It practically knocked you over when you walked into the room. I coughed, and Delilah smacked my back. I glared. "Sorry," she giggled. We cautiously walked further into the room and Delilah said, "Maxie was right." And she was. Kids were sitting at tables, lounging on beanbag chairs, typing on computers, and relaxing on comfy, vintage-looking couches. I surveyed the room, looking for a clock, and my eyes stopped. I giggled to myself, because the clock behind the check out desk had a ruler and a pencil as the hands. The ruler and pencil told me that it was 6:47. School officially started at 7:00 am.

"What do we do for 13 minutes?" Delilah asked, right as I was wondering the exact same thing. "I dunno," I shot back, "how about we just sit down?"

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